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Improved GP Access Is Top Priority

Increased access to GP services for residents in Neath has been unveiled as a top commitment in Welsh Labour's Programme for Government.


The programme, which was launched by the Welsh Government this week, would improve public services across the constituency and help combat youth unemployment. It will be updated annually and a progress report published every year.


Key commitments include:


- Establishing a Welsh Job Fund
- Increase access to GP services
- Funding 500 new community support officers
- Increasing frontline spending in schools


This is a progressive program of government that will deliver better public services for those in Neath. The people in Neath elected me on the Welsh Labour's manifesto in May and this programme is all about putting those promises into action over the next five years. Increasing access to GP services will make it easier to book an appointment, particularly for those who struggle to get to a surgery during normal working hours and establising a Welsh Jobs Fund will create apprenticeships to give young people a better start to their working life. 

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