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Jobs Growth Wales Scheme Announced

The Labour Welsh Government today announced a new £75 million scheme which will create 4,000 new jobs a year in Wales for the next three years.


Starting in April next year, Jobs Growth Wales will create 4,000 new job opportunities a year across Wales for unemployed young people, aged 16 - 24, for a six month period. Participants will be paid at or above the National Minimum Wage for a minimum of 25 hours per week. The programme will cater for those that are job ready, yet unable to find employment. It will be funded by £25m per year over the term of the government.


A small pilot will be run this autumn to test the approach within the private sector and to fully inform the wider programme implementation from April next year. A specific strand will also be developed to target graduates building on the existing Go Wales programme.


A strand of the scheme has also been developed to help micro businesses to employ for the first time and grow. A further strand will be developed to create jobs within the energy sector, helping to meet the Welsh Government's commitment to reducing carbon emissions.


The establishment of this scheme, will allow Welsh Labour to meet one of its key commitments we made during the election campaign to the electorate. The Welsh Government has a duty to tackle the increase in unemployment witnessed across the UK and I believe this scheme will be effective in tackling one aspect of unemployment. 


Robust eligibility criteria and quality standards will be established prior to the implementation of Jobs Growth Wales. A moderating panel will be established from January 2012 to ensure these are being met. Membership of the panel will include employers, Job Centre Plus and Wales TUC.

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